Easy Read If someone is hurting you

Man waving finger at woman

Keeping you safe

Keeping people safe is called Safeguarding. Safeguarding means people are protected from abuse and neglect. Abuse is when someone does or says things that frighten you or cause you harm.  Neglect is when your care and support needs are not being met. 

If you or someone you know is being harmed, tell someone you trust like care workers or your family.  You can find out more by clicking on the green words on this page.

You can read more in the Easy Read Safeguarding leaflet.

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is when someomes partner, or someone else in the family, hurts a person or makes them scared.

Click this link to go to a website where you can read lots of useful information about domestic abuse.  

You can watch a video about safeguarding on this page.


Safeguarding - what is it?
Safeguarding Adults and Children
What Is Domestic Violence? Types, Symptoms, Treatment and More
What is domestic abuse?
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