Advice & Support

  1. Stay well this winter (Adults/Local Offer)

    Welcome to your local Stay Well this Winter page. Your local Stay Well this Winter programme is a network of partners who work across the local health and social care system. Their aim is to reduce the risks associated with cold weather. This in particularly…
  2. Benefits of breastfeeding

    Benefits of breastfeeding It's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to feed your baby. But you do not have to make up your mind until your baby is born. your breast milk is perfectly designed for your baby breast milk protects…
  3. Hate Crime (Adults and Local Offer)

    Hate Crimes Hate crimes are crimes against a person or property. The victim views that the crime is motivated by prejudice towards a part of their identity. This could be: Disability Race or ethnicity Religion or belief Sexual Orientation Transgender Identity A victim does not…
  4. Domestic violence and abuse (Adults)

    Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. Find out how to recognise the signs and where to get help.  Domestic violence, also called domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional, economic and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members. It can also include coercive control.…
  5. Children and Families website page list

    A list of all the pages on the Children and Families website Pages on the list are clickable.  Advice & Support - Search results Clubs, Activities & Sports - Search results Early Help Early Years & Childcare Health & Social Care - Search results Peterborough…
  6. Mental Health (Adults)

    Mental Health All of us, children, young people and adults have mental health and it is important to look after it, like we would any other part of our body.  If you are having mental health problems though, you're not alone. One in four of…
  7. Mental Health (Local Offer)

    Mental Health Children, young people and adults have mental health and it is important to look after it. It is no different from looking after your physical health. If you are having mental health problems, you're not alone. One in four of us will have…
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