Speech and Language Therapy

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Speech and Language Therapy

A Speech and Language Therapist assesses a person's communication difficulties and any eating and drinking problems.  They write a report and either work with the person or make recommendations to help.  The Peterborough City Council Speech and Language service works with adults (18 and over) who have a diagnosed learning disability and/or autism spectrum condition who are registered with a Peterborough GP.

Adults with a learning disability or autism can experience difficulties with:

  • understanding and/or using language
  • understanding or using social interaction skills appropriately
  • maintaining focus and concentration
  • other people not understanding what the individual is communicating

The team also works with people who have eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) to reduce the risk of choking, and other health conditions including, chest infections, pneumonia, malnutrition and dehydration.

How can Speech and Language Therapy help?

Speech and Language Therapists can:

  • assess communication skills, including comprehension, expression and social interaction.
  • make information easier to understand, by using appropriate language and visual supports.
  • help the person and their family/carers and paid staff learn alternative and augmentative communication skills (AAC), which may include the use of objects of reference, signing, photos and symbols.
  • facilitate group sessions to help develop a person’s communication skills.
  • provide communication training for families/ carers, paid staff and other professionals.
  • assess and advise on eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
  • provide eating and drinking care plans.
  • provide eating and drinking training to families/carers, paid staff and other professionals.

Who to contact

01733 747474 01733 747474


Referral required
Referral Details

How to refer

A referral can be made by calling adult social care on 01733 747474 and explaining that a referral to Speech and Language Therapy is required.


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